
Lexham Hall is a 4400 acre estate with an in-hand 2500 acre arable farm. In the past agriculture and farm rentals supported the Estate, including the maintenance of the Hall and the let properties. However, with a steady decline in farming income and increasing costs of building maintenance and machinery replacement over the last 15 years, the Estate farming has had to rationalise and become “Risk Averse” resultingin (where possible) further land purchase, farms taken back in hand, the parkland grazing and the indoor pig unit let out and in 2001 our in house potato production ceased and the land was let and water sold to a specialist potato producer. From October 2015 NE Salmon Ltd are contract farming the home farm.

Current cropping on the Estate farms is based on sugar beet, oilseed rape, winter wheat and barley production.

Collaboration with other farm businesses is seen by the estate as a positive move forward and the Estate has formed a Limited Liability Partnership with a group of local farming businesses which has seen the building of a brand new “state of the art” high volume hi -tech grain drying, processing and storage facility on the Estate.

For information on contracting, contract farming, Jutting group or the Lexham Grain Store LLP please contact either the Estate Office on 01328 701288 or the Grain Store manager, Robert Britton on 07778 498845

Lexham Estate: New Reservoir

Source of funding- European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

The project supported the construction of a reservoir along with the installation of electric pumps, underground mains and other associated infrastructure. The aim of the project was to improve efficiency and sustainability of the Estate’s irrigation, whilst delivering long term water security for crop production.